Illuminate Part 5 - Beyonce and newest recruit Lady Gaga

So its been a while since I touched on this subject and enough new confirmed information has come out of the obvious envolvment Beyonce and her clan have with the Illuminate.

If you want to read the other Illuminate Posts then just click the below:

Illuminate Part 1 - Beyonce and Jay-Z
Illuminate Part 2 - Beyonce, Jay-Z and Kanye West
Illuminate Part 3 - Beyonce, Jay-Z, Kanye West and Obama
Illuminate Part 4 - Jay-Z Mason Handshakes

Today I will be exploring the new and interesting relationship between Beyonce and Lady Gaga. They recently released two videos "Videophone" and "Telephone". Beyonce's video are full of occult symbolism relating to the Illuminate, as are Kanye, Rihanna and Jay-Z's. These artists dominate the charts and you think its a coincidence?
Lady Gaga has quickly reached global superstardom with many "monsters" following her every move. Many of you have previously asked Why would the illuminate be interested in pop stars?

Well ask yourself, what is the best way to dominate, mind control and condition young people? A large percentage of the planet listens to music..especially people like Beyonce, Jay-Z, Rihanna and Kanye...
Beyonce, Jay-Z and Solange single handly had politics under a spell when Obama was being offered as the new president into the white house.
It was time for a new global star that would reach everyone..along came Lady Gaga, seemingly out of nowhere. She has OVER 6,000,000 followers on Twitter, she denounces John McCain (Obama's rival) at any given opportunity, and seems to want every person in the world to have equal rights, plus she repeats over and over that she loves her "little monsters" without prejudice. An easy figure to love.... an dangerous figure to follow.
Beyonce has brought Lady Gaga to the front, since her Telephone video things seems to have shifted. Peep the video below: This is just scratching the surface

Its easy to ask why they would be so obvious with all their imagery of illuminate signs. They know we like to speculate so they play on it. Regardless, it doesnt matter.