We are being held to ransom!!!!!!!!!!

http://www.destinyschildrumors.com/ has hijacked our site and now they are trying to hold me to ransom!

I recieved this email today from them. Please keep in mind that me and this person did NOT have any agreement.


I am the head Executive Internet Management from Star News Network (basically the person who writes LeToya News, they are pretending to be a "host" but the email came from their inbox), I have been forwarded your emails and wish to address the current situation.

By agreeing to join destinyschildrumors.com, any content posted by you on our site is property of destinyschildrumors.com. You are breaching the agreement between Star News Network and yourself by leaving without notice. You have no rights to any of the content present on this website and it belongs to Star News Network. If you had any problems with the website you could have easily reported in an email stating your feelings and things could have been settled from there. Communication would have been the key to address this matter. We have always been there for you to answer your questions.

Destinyschildrumours.blogspot.com and Destinyschildrumors.com are two separate websites that can legally co-exist. Any content posted on our website always belonged to Star News Network; therefore legally speaking, anything that you brought belongs to Star News Network. You can bring this to a legal matter but you will waste your time and your money because you have no case backing your argument.

However, we are willing to settle with you. If you still want us to remove our information then you can return the money that we invested in you to run this website which is $25.

Please note that you are more then welcome to come back because we love your writing and your style, that is why we initially asked you to come work for us.

If you have any questions on this matter please respond to this email address and pursue all further matters through me.

Head Executive of Internet Management

Are you kidding me??????? They want me to pay them!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the agreement we had when they first approached me in their own words:

I also strongly suggest we move you to wordpress pro which offers much more customisations possible. (Like for example: much better layout and organisation, translation widget which translate your page automaticly in the langage depending of the country you visiting the site from, etc...)

All that would cost you money on your own but I can have you all that for free under my host.

Also maybe we could create a family. Maybe something like "Star News Network".(which would includes all the same type of sites as us). Each site would still be independent and be able to leave the alliance at any time. We'd just start with us 2 and see we could have other existing sites (some rihanna news/rumours site and other big artists news/rumours site) join the entity so we can build each others's views and be recognized as a powerful brand in the internet world. so it would go a little further than basic site affiliates.

Being together means we can share stuff. Like we have an account to wireimage (which have pics for every events possible) so you could get all that as well.

Please boycott this site.... I am taking legal action against this moron. Thoughts please....

UPDATE: In response to one of the comments. The reason I left abruptly was because that person went onto my site and edited a whole bunch of posts without my permission and advertising things I did not give permission for. I left because they were comprimising my site with their weird information. There was nothing in our correspondance to say I had to give notice. Why the hell should I if they are abusing their rights?