Beyonce and husband Jay-z dine on Italian fare at Nello’s restaurant with an older couple on the Upper East Side of New York City on Monday (October 26).
The high-rollers dropped a massive $1,200 on lunch, which included white truffles, lobster salad and a bottle of Dom Perignion champagne. To show their appreciation for the great service, Beyonce and Jay-Z left a hefty $500 tip. I guess now their flaunting their money huh. Now think about that when you eating McDonalds.
The high-rollers dropped a massive $1,200 on lunch, which included white truffles, lobster salad and a bottle of Dom Perignion champagne. To show their appreciation for the great service, Beyonce and Jay-Z left a hefty $500 tip. I guess now their flaunting their money huh. Now think about that when you eating McDonalds.