Farrah to become MASSIVE film director using Spike Lee as mentor

Farrah has a new film coming out called "Eyes of Darkness". I recieved this email from someone close to Farrah:

Hello Soulgirl,
I have read a few posts on Farrah and you always seem to paint her in a negative light. Alot of people think that because Farrah is no longer apart of the Destiny's Child revolution or her band Pheenx did not pull through, that she is the most worthless member of Destiny's Child and the less ambitious. This couldnt be further from the truth.
Farrah currently has a plan and that plan is to become one of the best movie Directors around. She is currently working on her graft and making low budget films to give her as much experience as possible. Over the next few years when other DC members will have completely faded out, Farrah will be making big blockbuster movies. This is only the start of her journey but already movie execs are watching her with interest and she is in talks with. Even her sister Laticia will be starring in new films created by Farrah. She wants to make her sister and herself a massive hit. She is slowly but surely on her way.
She has been watching Spike Lee's graft from when he was a young director and is using him as a mentor.