Jay-Z and Beyonce holding peeps in the music biz to ransom

MTO says:

MediaTakeOut.com told you yesterday that Chris Brown was supposed to perform at the Michael Jackson tribute. Well he was ... then BET changed its mind.What happened you ask??? Well that depends on who you ask - one of MediaTakeOut.com's insiders told us that the powers that be were scared that Chris' performance would cause some sort of backlash.But then again, another of MediaTakeOut.com's insiders is claiming that it was ALL JAY Z' doing. According to that insider, Jay Z SPECIFICALLY FORBID BET from allowing Breezy to perform. He told them that if they did neither he NOR BEYONCE would have performed.Not sure which version of the story is true ... We'd hate to think that Jigga was that vindictive ...

First Letoya and now Chris Brown. Beyonce and Jay-Z need to sit the fuk down...who really wants to see that ugly old camel performing anyway??? And Beyonce.... let other people shine...so greedy bish.