Finding your way to this site...

Every now and again I check the stats of the site to see whats up. I love using the tool "Recent Word Activity"... I click on this and find out what people type into google to find the site. Here are some recent funnies:

What to wear backstage to a Beyonce concert
Michelle Williams on drugs
Beyonce sweaty butt pics
are Beyonce and Michelle fighting
Beyonce has a flat ass
How to get skin like Kelly Rowland

I think my fav is Beyonce sweaty butt pics.

In other DC Rumours news, I have offered JAMBA a permanent job here at the site so hopefully you will be seeing more of her.
Any artists good with photoshop then please leave your details below. This site needs an Upgrade!
Last but not least, how did you find your way to this site? Im interested to know. Comment below