Capitol Records STOPS funding Lady Love Project

Capitol Records decided to stop the funding the “Lady Love” project. We all know the story. Now LeToya fans decided to start a petition to save the project:
Dear Capitol Records/ EMI Music.
The fans of LeToya Luckett believe she is a master at her craft. Over the past three years, her vocals and stage presence have greatly improved. Most artists these days do not evolve as she has, which shows how extremely dedicated she is. She has so much potential and has our full support to achieve ultimate success and she needs yours as well.
LeToya fans are EXTREMELY disappointed with the way you have been treating her and her “Lady Love” album thus far. We believe that she has proven she deserves the same promotion as her label mates e.g. Katy Perry. We fully understand that her first two singles did not push this album as we had all hoped, but with the lackadaisical promotion they were given we are not surprised. However, the third single, “Regret” featuring Ludacris, has already shown it has the potential to become her next smash hit single. We, the fans, have pushed this song into an enviable top 20 position without your support, but top 10, top 5 and even the big 1 can happen, but we need your backing.
We request that you provide, at the very least, the same promotion to that which her debut album received e.g. more than two or three TV performances, that send Regret for radio ads be given an official add date to build upon the strong airplay performance we have started, and provide LeToya with the budget reflective of a Grammy award winning, Platinum selling artist, with two #1 albums to her credit , so a successful “Regret” video can be produced and distributed. We understand that money does not grow on trees, and so far the album has not returned all of your investment, but we know believe that “Regret” can will change all of that with you your fully renewed support.
Thank you for reading,
LeToya fans, and people who love real R&B music
Hopefully Capitol Records wakes up when they realize how much of a dedicated fan base she has… They need to inject money into this project and we need a “Regret” video ASAP!